Wednesday 13 July 2016

Lifestyle Solutions For Everyone

The truth is that not everyone thinks in terms of improving their lifestyle. The entertainment industry makes everyone aware of the distinctions in lifestyles, but very few people view lifestyle solutions as a potential choice. Winning the lottery, although not a solution, is the limit for most imaginations.
The mindset that confines most people within their specific life experience is a combination of what they learn and the environment they know. Breaking free of the rut they recognize usually means finding a better job. Discovering a uniquely different lifestyle from what they know, requires a new mindset.

Go Barefoot and Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Picture this! One evening in early March, you go about the last few minutes before bed planning what you are going to do the next day. You have just pulled off your socks, and barefoot for the first time since the morning, you lay out next to your bed the attire you plan to wear the next day. Some hours later, that alarm on your nightstand goes off and craving those few minutes of extra sleep, you hit the snooze one or two times. Finally after battling with your subconscious, you roll out of bed. You pad over to your sink in your bare feet, and wash up, brush your teeth and proceed to get dressed for the day, putting on that jacket and tie, blouse or dress. The time seems to flash by and you realize that you'd better hit the road.
Forgot Your Shoes?
You rush out the door and while waiting for the bus or train, or waiting to receive a package at the UPS office, you casually glance around. Your eyes are drawn to the shmorgasborg of footwear that is surrounding you. A pair of running sneakers paired with ankle socks. Next to that a pair of worn out scuffed up work boots flanked by a pair of jeans. A lady wearing a pair of elegant high heel boots with stockings making her legs appear as they were dipped in a bottle of indian ink. As you shift your stance, you feel your toes bend and as soon as your heel lands softly but unimpeded on the cool pavement, you realize that something is quite not right, but at the same time, it is so right.
You finally force yourself to look down and much to your shock, that your toes are in plain view and between your bare soles and the ground exists nothing in between. Before you tell yourself to snap out of it - it is only your imagination, something brings you back to reality when the lady beside you asks matter-of-factly, "forgot your shoes?"
You look down again and tell yourself that it can't be. But there are your toes staring back up at you. You feel the pavement underneath get colder as your foot feels the reality underneath. You lift up one foot and turn it in to notice your bare sole, now blackened from having not worn any footwear since the night before. You put your bare foot back down and look around again to realize that all those looks of those around you - some chuckles, some in shock or slight smiles - are fixed on your bare feet - quite a rare sight!Not even a pair of socks or the most minimalist footwear like flip flops - your feet in the raw! You feel like you're having one of those nightmares where you are naked in the company of everyone around you that is clothed.
Chances are you may react by clutching the side of your head in disbelief as you utter - "OMG! I can't believe I forgot to put on my shoes and socks! How was I barefoot this whole time?!"
You are ready to panic and dash home if you are close enough to scramble into your shoes and socks. If you are far from home already, you resign yourself to the fact you're somewhat naked - stuck in your bare feet while you toggle through your mind looking for first excuse you can find to tell them that you're going be late for your job or interview - any way to avoid of being seen "GASP" barefoot!
Now rest assured, chances are that since putting on footwear before leaving your home is so routine, it is highly unlikely that this will ever happen to you.
Let's say it did, however. Another feeling comes over you. You shrug and smile at those around you as if to say, "hey, look at that. I'm barefoot on a cool winter day!" It could actually be fun and you may relish in the fact that while others are bundled up, their feet separated from the outside world in their shoes and socks, here you are experiencing full freedom by feeling the cool ground underneath your bare feet.
I know I do. Many times I'm asked if I forgot my shoes. The question tends to be irrelevant since most of the time I don't wear shoes or socks at all.
Sometimes the answer is yes - since I'm so used to having absolutely nothing on my feet, those seldom occasions where I feel that footwear might make a favorable first impression, I'll end up anyway forgetting to bring along my footwear and end up coming to my appointments or meetings barefoot.
But rather than panicking, I end up being thrilled as I look forward to another day of living a healthy lifestyle in my naturally reliable bare feet and go forward with what I was planning to do for the day.
Barefoot as a Healthy Lifestyle

The Lifestyle and Its Research

Lifestyle research stands at the boundary between a number of traditional academic disciplines, developing expertise from sociology and the social sciences in areas as distinct as business, retailing, marketing, understanding of consumers, and health and social care. The very diversity of fields and disciplines with an interest in lifestyle research creates complexity in an already dynamic and fast-changing area of research. Multifaceted approaches are used, alongside a variety of academic and business conventions, but typically, lifestyle research focuses on subgroups within the general population defined by age, occupation, religion, sexuality, medical conditions, or behaviors.

5 General Ways For a Better Lifestyle, Fitness and Health

Definition of Life style: A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group A lot of people go through life used to a certain lifestyle only because that is what they have known from birth. Our family, friends, work; media all shape the lifestyle we live. Some never get the opportunity to be exposed to anything different and easily develop habits which live with them till death.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

8 Langkah Mudah untuk Terlihat Lebih Pintar

Anda pasti pernah mengalami hal dimana Anda berada di sebuah perkumpulan sosial dan ada seseorang yang mencuri perhatian orang karena ia cerdas. Hal ini tidak bisa didapatkan secara kilat dan instan, namun Anda dapat melakukan beberapa hal berikut ini untuk tampak lebih pintar dari diri Anda yang sebenarnya, seperti dilansir

1. Dengarkan
Kedengarannya mungkin sangat sederhana, namun mendengarkan adalah kunci utama untuk tampak pintar atau cerdas. Jangan merasa perlu mengomentari setiap hal yang dikatakan oleh orang lain atau pun beradu argumentasi tentang topik yang tidak Anda kuasai. Sesekali Anda boleh menanyakan hal yang tidak Anda ketahui, ini akan membuat Anda terlihat bijaksana.
Kemungkinan besar orang yang Anda ajak bicara lebih senang untuk menjawab pertanyaan, tidak menyadari bahwa Anda tidak begitu menguasai topik yang dibicarakan.
2. Berdiri tegak
Apa yang Anda katakan memang penting, namun bahasa tubuh juga dapat mengungkapkan tentang kredibilitas Anda. Jika tubuh Anda tidak memiliki postur yang baik, maka kemungkinan Anda tidak memiliki kepercayaan diri yang baik pada diri sendiri, termasuk apa yang Anda katakan.
Namun, berdiri lurus kaku juga menunjukkan bahwa Anda gugup dan tidak nyaman.
3. Tidak menggunakan kata-kata yang tidak diperlukan
Kata-kata tertentu memiliki kecenderungan membuat Anda tampak tidak yakin pada diri sendiri. Kata-kata ini sering sekali terucap tanpa Anda sadari. Anda harus belajar untuk mengurangi penggunaan kata-kata seperti "sepertinya" atau "um..."
4. Jeda dalam percakapan
Ini bukan hal yang buruk. Ketika terdapat jeda dalam sebuah percakapan, Anda disarankan untuk bersikap senyaman mungkin dengan sedikit diam. Dengan hal ini, Anda tidak akan berusaha mengisi kekosongan dengan percakapan yang dibuat-buat dan memiliki waktu memikirkan apa yang akan dibicarakan selanjutnya. Hal ini tentu akan membuat Anda mendapatkan kesan yang baik.
5. Banyak membaca
Ini tidak berarti Anda harus membaca setiap buku yang dijual di sebuah toko buku, bukan itu. Setidaknya Anda mengerti dan memahami isu-isu terkini yang sedang hangat dibicarakan oleh banyak orang untuk membuat sebuah percakapan yang menarik dengan orang lain.
6. Tidak bersikap berlebihan
Jika Anda datang pada sebuah acara, tiba-tiba Anda bertemu dengan seseorang yang membicarakan kehidupannya secara berlebihan, jangan tertarik untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Tinggalkan dia dan lakukan hal lain di acara tersebut dengan lebih elegan.
7. Tidak menggunakan kata-kata yang sulit dimengerti
Mungkin Anda ingin terlihat cerdas dengan bercakap-cakap menggunakan kata-kata dari jurnal ilmiah, namun ini bukan cara yang tepat. Gunakan kata-kata yang mudah dipahami dengan cerdas

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